具——1,要不斑豬又給斃了~,新火車站后邊那嘎達~!4!~~·····~~~具體的就不發了,芝罘屯路那嘎達.樂天家居 .棱方圓家居!3!5.嘉禾家居,綠色家園那嘎達~!開發區彩云城三樓那嘎達~,在幸福那嘎達~!鄙視~!2.陽光家居.美迎美家,三站那嘎達~
迎太所有品類如下:迎太管道山西迎太塑料有限公司組建于1988年。公司注冊地址:運城市黃河大道北(鹽湖工業園),屬股份制民營企業。1996年和2000年公司分別收購了原“運城市制版包裝廠”和“運城市國營塑料廠”,成為改革開放后運城市民營企業成功收購國營企業的典范。曾9年間成功的實現了三次大跨越,一舉成為全國最大的農地膜生產企業。|公司注冊資本1.1264億元,在冊員工1300人(其中:高級技術人員16名,中級技術人員48名,大中專*生228人。)總資產13億元,占地283畝,建筑面積10萬多平方米,現代化各種塑料*設備180臺、套,塑料制品年生產能力13萬噸,年產值15億元。主要產品有:“迎太”牌農地膜、CPP流延包裝膜、鍍鋁膜、BOPP雙向拉伸膜、大棚膜、PE、PP管材等5大系列百余種產品。|1998年2月14日我公司在*工商總局注冊了“迎太”商標,多年來,公司始終堅持“質量、信譽第一,熱情服務、客戶至上”的服務宗旨。產品連年來銷售到秦、晉、豫、甘、蒙、寧、青、新、魯、滇、蜀、藏、黑、吉、遼、冀等十六個省、自治區,在以上地區建立了3000多個穩固的銷售網點。占據全國十分之一的市場份額,為我國的華北、東北、西北、中原和西南的農業生產區作出了重大的貢獻。|2005年以來,公司以低于同類產品10%的優惠價格,將屬于少數民族特需用品的“迎太”牌農地膜、工棚膜、滴灌、滲灌產品讓利銷售給甘肅、寧夏、內蒙古自治區、新疆維吾爾自治區等少數民族地區近百個銷售網點。累計為少數民族提供了種植牧草的農膜、滴灌產品6萬多噸,讓利1500多萬元,有力的支援了西部少數民族農牧民發展農牧業,致富奔小康。由于公司的突出貢獻,被*民委、財政部、中國*銀行確定為“十一五”期間全國少數民族特許商品定點生產企業,享受中國*銀行的貼息政策。同時,公司的“迎太”牌系列產品在華北、西北、西南的少數民族地區得到了發揚光大。|為了進一步做好“迎太”牌傳統產品,提高產品質量,公司從國內外不斷引進先進的生產設備,不斷的引進先進的技術和生產工藝,不斷強化職工的產品質量意識,大力實施商標戰略,大力加強商標的宣傳力度,通過多年來不懈努力,“迎太”牌產品已深入人心,深受農民朋友們的青睞。2001年以來,“迎太”牌商標連續三屆被認定為“山西省著名商標”、“山西名牌產品”。同時榮獲了“中國塑料工業百強企業”和“中國塑料薄膜產業十大著名品牌”的殊榮。|2004年以后,公司在穩定做好傳統產品農用薄膜的同時,把眼光投向了高科技、高附加值的包裝行業產品(CPP、BOPP、鍍鋁膜。從2004年到008年間CPP生產由一條生產線陸續發展到4條生產線,年生產能力達到了1.5萬噸;真空鍍鋁膜從2007年到2011年4月發展到三條生產線,年生產能力達到了1萬噸;2009年又購回德國布魯克納BOPP薄膜生產線條,年產能8000噸。以上包裝行業產品產值、產量、等綜合實力在全國包裝行業名列前茅。CPP和BOPP的生產填補了山西、內蒙和西北五省的空白,并在上述區域占據7O%以上的銷售份額。|公司堅持不懈的實施品牌戰略,形成了以“迎太”牌產品為代表的農資、包裝系列著名品牌。幾年來,公司連續榮獲“質量信譽A*等級*”、“質量信得過單位”、“重合同、守信用單位”、“明星企業”、“重點保護企業”、“陜西省質量合格企業”、“甘肅省實施質量信譽雙保障企業”、“質量效益型企業”、“ISO9001:2000國際質量管理體系認證企業”、“貢獻突出企業”等多種獎項和殊榮。|Shanxi yingtai Plastic Co.,Ltd was established in ,with the address as Yanhu Industrial? Park,North of Huanghe Avenue,Yuncheng.It belongs to a holding company .In 1996 and ,it Purchased former Yuncheng Plate-Making and Packig Factory and Yuncheng Stae-Owned Plastic Factory,thus becoming a model for privatc enterprises to purchase stae-owned ones in Yuncheng since the state’s open policy .With three great-leap-forward development in 9 years,it has become the largest national agricultural mulch film production enterprise.|Yingtai has a registered capital of RMB,,,a total staff of ,300 people(16 snior technical staff,48 medium technical staff and 228 people with university? or technical diplomas),a total asset of RMB 1 billion.It covers an area of 283 mu,with a built-up area of over ,000?.It has 180 sets of various modern plastic processequipinent,with an annual plastic production of ,000 tons and an annual production value of RMB 1.5 billon,The main products are: five main series with over 100 products like “Yingtai” brand agricultural mulch film,CPP and AL metalized film,BOPP film, greenhouse film,and PE and PPtubing.|On February ,,our company registered “Yingtai”brand in State Administration of Industry and Commerce.Over years,we are always sticking to the aim of “quality and reputation first,enthusiastic service and customers’supremacy”.The products have been sold for years to the 16 provinces or autonomous regions like Shanxi,Henan、Gansu Inner Mongol,Ningxia,Qinghai,Xinjiang,Shandong,Yunnan,Sichuan,Tiber,Heilongjiang,Jilin,Liaoning,and Hebei,where a markeling net of over ,000 sales points are set up,covering one tenths of the national markerting,marking contributions to the main agricuitural production regions of North China,Northeast,Northwest,Central China and Southwest.|Since ,the company benefited Minority customers in shch provinces as Gansu,Ningxia,Inner Mengol,and Xinjiang by selling “Yingtai” brand agricultural mulch film,greenhouse film,bunkhouse film,and trickle and infiltration irrigation tubing, at the price 10& lower than that of the similar products. The accumulative amount of agricultural films and trickle irrigation piping to the minorities have reached over ,000 tons and its cut-price profit is over RMB,,,which helps the development of the agricultural and livestock in the minority regions of West China.As a result,the company was appointed,by State Ethnic Affairs Commission,Ministry of Finance and People’s Bank of China as the designated enterprise for the specral need of the national minority,enjoying the discount policy by People’s Bank of China. Meanwhile,our “Yingtai” brand products was promoted as well in the Minority regions of North China, Northwest and Southwest.|To further improve “Yingtai” brand products and improve their quality ,we keep on introducing advanced equipments from abroail,upgrading advanced technology and production process,increasing the worker’s quality awareness,and strengthening the trademark strategy and publication.After years’efforts, “Yingtai” trademark has stuck deep root in customers’ hearts and won the popularity of the farmers,Since , “Yingtai” brand trademark has appointed in three successive terms as “Shanxi Famous Trademark” and “Shanxi Brand Name Product”. Meanwhil,it has also had laurels of “China Top 100 Plastic Industry Enterprises” and “China Top 10 Plastic Film Brand Name Product”|After 2004,as we took stable steps to do well in he traditional agricultural plasac film products We also aimed at hi-tech and high value added pracking in dustry like Cpp.BOPP and Metalized films.Between 2004 and 2008.we expanded CPP production form 1 to 4 production lines,with an annual production capacity of ,000 tons .Between 2007 and April ,2011 we expanded vacuum AL metalized film production to 3 production lines,with an annual production eapacity of l,000 tons In 2009.we purchased from Brucker,Germany a BOPP film production line,with an annual production eapacity of ,000 tons.The comprehensiv capabilities like output,its value,and sales revenue of the above packing products is among the best in the national packing? industry Our CPP and BOPP production has filled the gap in Shanxi.Inner Mengol and Northwest procinces,covering over 70% salesnproportion In these regions|Our persistent performing of brand has the company form a series famous brands of agricultural material and pracking supplies,mainly based on “Yingtai” brand.Over years,the company has continnously won many prizes and laurels such as “Leading Enterprise in Agricultural? Industrialization”,“Shanxi Civil-run Science and Technology Enterprise”. “Certificate of Quality Reputation Grade AA”, “quality Reliable Unit”, “Valuing Contract and Keeping Promise Unit”, “Star Enterprise”, “Enterprise under Special Protection”, “Shani Provicial Quality Qualifieation Enterprse”, “Gansu Provincial Quality and Credit Double Guanranty Enterprise”, “ISO9001:2000 Certifieated E”nterprise”, “Enterprise with Outstanding Contributions”,etc.
上海迎鶴床上用品有限公司成立于2002年,是一家集床上用品研發、生產和銷售于一體的家紡企業,公司現有生產員工300余人,研發管理員工50余人,年產值2億元*幣以上,產品分布在全國各大中小城市的超市和家紡專賣店銷售。經過多年的發展,公司線下固定客戶超過2000余位,為迎鶴品牌打響了一定的知名度。公司剛成立時就把產品*于兒童床上用品領域,是國內最早專注于兒童床上用品研發設計的家紡企業。目前,公司的兒童床上用品已涵蓋了從*、幼兒園、青少年等各個年齡段所用的被子、枕頭、床墊、套件等類目。產品結構更加完善,種類更加豐富,漸漸成為國內兒童床上用品行業的一顆新星! 2010年,公司新廠房于江蘇通州金通工業園區落成,占地面積達50余畝,建有標準化車間和倉庫,年產能在原有的基礎上提高了一倍以上。強大的供貨能力和完備的倉庫管理,極大增加了顧客對迎鶴的信任。2012年已經與全國百余家幼兒園和學校簽訂了長期供貨協議,每年為這些幼兒園和學校定做各種規格的床品套件,靠實力吸引了顧客,靠品質留住了顧客!公司一直奉行“一切為了孩子”的經營宗旨,公司產品因其優良的質量、準確的市場*已贏得顧客的青睞和信任,目前公司產品遠銷國內30多個省市自治區,銷售網點遍及全國各地。公司生產的青少年兒童家紡產品在國內有較高的美譽度。經營理念:公司以“一切為了孩子”為經營宗旨,以“責任、精益、價值、分享”為經營理念,細心于我們的服務,專心于我們的專業。堅持以人為本的理念,倡導團隊意識,以服務求生存,以質量求發展,立足產品,全力打造“迎鶴”和“迎鶴寶貝”等系列品牌,專注于青少年兒童家紡產品的研發,專業打造青少年兒童舒適、健康、環保的睡眠產品,將天然健康環保理念融入產品中,努力將公司建設成和諧、美好、充滿活力和具有國際競爭力的家紡企業。
公交線路:7路支,全程約5.0公里 1、從迎豐中路步行約160米,到達四中站 2、乘坐7路支,經過6站, 到達麻陽路口站 3、步行約760米,到達麻陽路 如幫到你望采納,祝你旅途順利,謝謝!
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